This year Finno-Ugric Film Festival invites you to develop your scripts as well as learn about the waters of experimental cinema. More information below.
CALL for Scriptwriting workshop
The Finno-Ugric Film Festival V. (FUFF V) announces its Scriptwriting workshop, to be held during the Festival in Sänna, Estonia, 4th-7th JULY 2018.
We invite 12 applications from filmmakers who wish to participate in this workshop. Those selected will receive assistance as follows:
• For applicants from the Finno-Ugric small nations (Komi, Udmurt, Khanty, Mansy, Nenets, Enets, etc.) FUFF will reimburse travel expenses from Moscow as well as providing accommodation and food during the festival.
- In addition the invitation is open to filmmakers from other countries. For these applicants FUFF will provide food and accommodation during the festival.
- Participation fee is 50 EUR / participant for the Non-Finno-Ugric participants
The workshop will be held by two well-known film professionals Dániel Erdélyi (HU) and Mart Kivastik (EE) /scriptwriters/directors who will help to develop your synopsis into a short film script during the festival.
Send us a film proposal synopsis A4 and your motivation letter (A4) to by 15th of April 2018.
Decision will be made by the end of April.
CALL for Experimental Film Workshop
The Finno-Ugric Film Festival V. (FUFF V) announces its Experimental Film Workshop, to be held during the Festival in Sänna, Estonia, 4th-7th JULY 2018.
We invite 4 NON Finno-Ugric directors from all over the world, to create their short films during the festival. The directors can invite max. 2 crew members they want to work on their project with.
Each film group or director will get a Finno-Ugric actor with whom they have to collaborate their projects on. The premiere of the films will be after the festivals closing ceremony.
The workshop is lead by Szabolcs Hajdu (director, actor HU) and Orsolya Török-Ilyés (actress HU).
The selected participants has to take their equipment with which they create their films. FUFF will provide food and accommodation during the workshop.
Participation fee is 50 EUR / person
Send us your motivation letter (A4) to by 15th of April 2018. Decision will be made by the end of April.